
Sun 1/28/2018

Navy SEAL Jason Redman

2021-01-17T09:01:33-07:00January 28th, 2018|

Jason Redman tried to join the Army, but the Navy got him instead. Good thing because he became a member of one of our nation’s most elite special forces – a SEAL. Accepted into the Seaman to Admiral Program, Redman was in his first semester of college when the 9/11 attacks occurred and he wanted to drop out to rejoin his team. However, one of the most respected officers in the SEAL teams uttered some prophetic words; “This war will [...]

Sun 12/31/2017

The Beauty of a Darker Soul – Joshua Mantz

2021-01-17T10:06:22-07:00December 31st, 2017|

The Beauty of a Darker Soul author Joshua Mantz experienced possibly the most severe trauma possible and lived to tell about it. Kind of.... Joshua in recovery While on patrol outside of Sadr City in 2007, a sniper’s round first struck down Staff Sergeant Marlan Harper and then ricocheted into Joshua’s leg, severing his femoral artery.  In a testament to his training, Josh’s first reaction was to drag Sgt. Marlan to safety.  But soon he collapsed and felt [...]

Sun 12/24/2017

Christmas as a POW – Lee Ellis

2021-02-01T16:10:10-07:00December 24th, 2017|

Leon “Lee” Ellis spent several Christmas Holidays as a POW. During Christmas, most of us are surrounded by that which we hold dear; family, friends, peace and hope.  The promise of Christmas is one of hope.  Those who “Stand the Watch”; the men and women of our military forces, volunteer to spend their time away from THEIR families so that we can spend time with OURS. For several Christmas holidays, all Lee Ellis had was hope.  He was shot down and [...]

Sun 10/1/2017

Old Glory Relay – Marco and Diane DeLeon

2021-01-25T09:22:50-07:00October 1st, 2017|

Marco and Diane DeLeon The Old Glory Relay honors the sacrifices of the thousands of men and women who have fought for America’s freedom and promotes the ideal of unity under the stars and stripes of the US Flag.  Volunteers with Team Red White and Blue are moving a flag 4,600 miles across the country. The relay began September 11th in Seattle and will conclude with arrival in Tampa on Veterans Day. Marco DeLeon will be participating in [...]

Sun 7/30/2017

I am Suicidal and I Won’t Give Up – Sean Cavanagh

2021-02-01T16:00:04-07:00July 30th, 2017|

  Sean Cavanagh has struggled with thoughts of suicide for two decades. Several hundred times the dark thoughts have come, ranging from deep depression to a moment when he sat in his bedroom, a loaded Glock in his hand. A member of both the military and law enforcement community for two decades, he was well aware of the stigma attached to suicide so he kept his struggle to himself.  Then, following conversations with two separate colleagues who were suffering, he [...]

Sun 10/9/2016

Deceased Heroes; Messages from the Other Side

2021-02-06T19:13:35-07:00October 9th, 2016|

“Baby It's You" Messages from deceased heroes is a collection of stories shared by Gold Star families about messages they have received from their deceased family members. Our guest Maureen McGill is a professor of theater and dance and was always interested in the awareness that extends beyond the physical body. She began researching near death studies. Her first book “Live From the Other Side” relates stories from ordinary people who have experienced messages from deceased relatives. In “Baby It’s You” [...]

Sun 7/24/2016

Greatest Coast Guard Rescue – Andy Fitzgerald

2021-01-16T18:46:34-07:00July 24th, 2016|

Local fishermen called it a suicide mission – but it would turn into the greatest small boat rescue in Coast Guard history. Two tankers had broken in half off of Cape Cod. Four men would head to sea in 80 mph winds and 60 foot waves to save the remaining crew of the Pendleton. They were sailing a 36 foot wooden single engine boat. Coast Guard Petty Officer Bernard Weber was ordered to take a boat out, but the rest [...]

Mon 7/4/2016

On Freedom and Liberty

2021-02-15T09:42:35-07:00July 4th, 2016|

Gary Sinise at Korean DMZ Freedom and liberty are the topics for two warriors and two civilians. Major Stacie Shafran served in both Iraq and Afghanistan. During her Afghanistan deployment she was part of a provisional reconstruction team assigned to work with Afghan women. She shares the differences and parallels between what those women are seeking and the important reforms led by women in our own country. Stacie also reminds us to consider leaders like Abraham Lincoln who advanced [...]

Sun 4/24/2016

William Shatner Rides Across America – William Shatner, Bill Sloan – American Legion Riders

2021-02-06T18:53:12-07:00April 24th, 2016|

William Shatner rode 2400 miles across America to raise awareness about the American Legion and it's programs.  Along the way he found exhaustion AND inspiration. The Canadian born actor, author, musician and commercial pitch man began his career in radio. He moved to the stage performing Shakespeare and debuted on Broadway in 1956. His big screen career started alongside Yul Brynner in "The Brothers Karamazov" and his first role as a military officer came in the 1961 film "Judgement at [...]

Sun 1/17/2016

“As Tough As They Come” – Recalibrated Warrior SSgt Travis Mills

2021-03-04T10:50:11-07:00January 17th, 2016|

On April 10th, 2012 Staff Sergeant Travis Mills of the 82nd Airborne was on his third tour of duty in Afghanistan when he was wounded by an IED. The explosion took portions of both arms and legs. He would become one of only five quadruple amputees from Iraq and Afghanistan to survive his injuries. The heroic efforts of men in his unit and teams of surgeons would save his life. But it was up to Travis to rebuild his spirit. [...]

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