Desert Storm and Forward

Sun 2/21/2016

“In the cockpit of an F-35 Lightning II”

2021-03-04T10:01:47-07:00February 21st, 2016|

Photo Credit: Matthew McKee F-35 A Heritage Flight Pilot Major William "D-Rail" Andreaotta describes what it is like to fly one of the most advanced fighter aircraft in the world. He is based at Luke Air Force Base in Phoenix. Luke has been designated a training base for both US forces and allied nations that will be flying this aircraft. He spent the majority of his career flying the F-16 before transferring to the F-35 program. Davis Monthan [...]

Sun 2/14/2016

“The Air Commandos” – Air Force Special Operations Command – Col Brenda Cartier

2021-03-04T10:12:06-07:00February 14th, 2016|

Credit: US Air Force Did you know the FIRST military helicopter rescue mission took place in World War II? It was flown by an Air Commando. How can you not love a unit that began by being told by their Commander “ hell with paperwork – go out and FIGHT!” Col. Brenda Cartier - Vice Commander, Air Force Special Operations Warfare Center shares some insights into this special group and talks about one of my favorite airplanes - [...]

Sun 1/31/2016

“The Things I Carried” Thoughts from a Special Forces Operator

2021-03-04T10:34:24-07:00January 31st, 2016|

“Tyler Mack” spent 10 years in the US Army, five as a member of the elite Green Berets.  As a member of the elite 3rd Special Forces Group he had two deployments to Iraq and one deployment to Afghanistan.  Due to the nature of his service, he appears on American Warrior and Havok Journal under an assumed name. He discusses the subject of the things he carried while an officer with the Green Berets and the things that carried him [...]

Sun 5/10/2015

Sebastian Junger

2021-02-09T10:24:25-07:00May 10th, 2015|

Sebastian Junger never wore the uniform but he HAS seen war up close.  As an award winning journalist and special correspondent at ABC news, he has covered many conflicts. His documentary “Restrepo” about his time embedded with a US Army unit in the Korengal valley of Afghanistan was nominated for an Academy Award and won the Grand Jury Prize at the Sundance Film Festival. His other film credits include “Korengal” and “Which Way is the Front Line From Here?” Junger [...]

Sun 4/12/2015

“Bullet Proof Faith” Army Ranger Jeff Struecker

2021-02-10T12:07:24-07:00April 12th, 2015|

Jeff Struecker was a 24 year old sergeant and member of one of our nation’s most elite fighting forces. In 1993 he was assigned to Task Force Ranger in Mogadishu as part of the 75th Ranger Regiment.  He participated in the Battle of Mogadishu, dramatized on the big screen in the movie “Blackhawk Down.”  Struecker led the three vehicle convoy that returned wounded Ranger Pvt. Todd Blackburn to base through intense fire. In was in his Humvee that the first [...]

Sun 11/9/2014

Veterans Day Special – Warriors from Different Eras

2021-03-15T13:39:59-07:00November 9th, 2014|

WWII Navy Vet Charles Wohlleb (C) Dr. Josh Appel (L) Jam-Packed Veteran's Day Special honoring those who served from a variety of eras. Brigadier General Keith Connolly – 172 Combat Missions over North Vietnam, Cambodia & Laos Charles Wohlleb – one of only 24 survivors of the USS Spence capsizing in World War II SSgt Melissa Moreau – Current active duty Air Force Medic Captain/Dr. Josh Appel – Pararescueman that participated in "Lone Survivor" Marcus Luttrell rescue

Sun 3/30/2014

“Debecka Pass” – Green Beret Frank Antenori

2021-03-07T15:48:09-07:00March 30th, 2014|

Debecka Pass was a historic battle by many standards. Some even call it "The Alamo" of the Iraq War. In what is now considered by many a pivotal point in modern combat, two Green Beret A-Teams and their Peshmerga allies were confronted by a significantly larger force of tanks and armored vehicles. Superior tactics - and the first battlefield use of the Javelin anti-tank missile resulted in a victory for the US forces. Frank Antenori was a member of one [...]

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