

Have You Checked out our Podcasts?

July 17th, 2017|

Over 12,000 persons have this year!  If you haven't visited recently, here is what you may have missed: In addition to some names you might recognize like Roger Staubach, Dale Dye, Jim McDivitt and Radney Foster we have also spoken with others whose names might NOT be so familiar but are true American Heroes: The brave helicopter pilots who landed on a cliff side to rescue Marcus Luttrell in the "Lone Survivor" story A Marine pilot who earned FOUR Distinguished Flying Crosses in Vietnam, returning from one mission with palm fronds stuck in his tail section. A soldier who was a [...]


Havok Journal Update – Scott Faith

May 14th, 2017|

Havok Journal editor Scott Faith checks in to share updates on some of the issues & articles from their website.  The writings at Havok Journal are compelling, interesting and sometimes humorous. This “buffet for the brain” discussion delves into several issues.  We begin with a “how not to make military friends segment” by sharing the story of an east coast auctioneer who advertised a big sale of household goods/personal property of military members who were stationed overseas.  While the auction house later clarified this was abandoned property and they had followed all requirements for notification of the property owners, the [...]


Host on the Hot Seat

May 7th, 2017|

BBG with John Eslinger at his Honorary Commander "Retirement" I thought the whole reason for having a guest host was so that I could take the occasional weekend off - but John Eslinger had other ideas. In the nearly 30 years I have been supporting the military, I always knew that it was the right thing to do but never gave much thought to what led me down this path or the influences it has had on my life. John challenges me by putting ME in the hot seat and quizzing me on the factors that led to [...]


Buffalo Soldiers & The Punitive Expedition – Dr. Michael Engs

February 19th, 2017|

Dr. Michael Engs (Left) It has been a century since conclusion of the Punitive Expedition into Mexico to capture Pancho Villa.  Elements of the Buffalo Soldiers played a critical role in many of the Punitive Expedition actions. Dr. Michael Engs is an Army Veteran and amateur historian focusing upon the history of African-Americans in Arizona. During this show, Michael shares his research into the Punitive Expedition and the Buffalo Soldiers during the period 1916-1918. Buffalo Soldiers were posted along the southwest border during Mexico’s civil war to protect against bandits and maintain the US “Neutrality Laws”.  While there [...]


The Weapon Hunter – Paul Shull

February 12th, 2017|

We’ve got Paul Shull – The Weapon Hunter on same day as his second season debuts on the Smithsonian Channel! Paul’s fascination with military history began as a young child when his great grandfather used to tell him stories about his service in the First and Second World Wars.  His passion for adventure and collecting military artifacts led the rock & roll promoter to create and host The Weapon Hunter. Paul travels all over finding and helping to restore military artifacts, very often with the help of Veterans who used these weapons themselves in combat.  “I don’t just want to [...]


Help Us Tell These Great Stories!

February 9th, 2017|

Veterans both past and present.  Award winning historians and writers. Musicians, Movie Stars and organizations that support our military. The first responders that keep us safe on the home front. American Warrior Radio produces some very unique and in-depth discussions with all of these people.  Would you like to join in helping us spread these important messages? For as little as 50 cents per broadcast, you CAN by becoming a Patron of American Warrior Radio!   Simply click on the Patreon link. As a reward, you will receive some very cool swag related to some of the guests we have [...]

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