My Take on my “Take” from the Military
Change of Command season just wrapped up at my local military base. This summer as in those past, I gathered with crowds large and small in a hangar or at the officer’s club to bid farewell to one leader while welcoming another to my community. It is always a bittersweet time for me. American Warrior Radio listeners are a sharp bunch, so let’s begin with a quiz; what is worse than pissing off a General? Read on.. My entire adult life I have believed it is the duty of those of who never served to support those that do. Hence, [...]
Peace Officers Memorial Day
Imagine if I told you that I would pledge to protect you and your family for 20-30 years. That I would work weekends, holidays and all hours of the day or night. I would miss birthdays, anniversaries and kids’ soccer games so you could enjoy those special times with your family. If you needed something, just make one phone call and I would be there. If there was ever danger or a threat, I would run TOWARD the danger so that you could retreat safely. And, if..God forbid…a situation called for me to put my own life at risk to [...]
Be Prepared – Active Shooter Situations
Our nation struggles with another mass shooting. The answer to what drives these individuals to wreak carnage upon the innocent and what we can do to mitigate future attacks is a complicated and multi-faceted discussion. As we mature we find that many of life’s issues are NOT black and white and cannot be resolved with a simple, quick or knee jerk solution. American Warrior Radio is not the forum to debate this issue. However, I WAS a Boy Scout. And the motto I first learned upon entry to that organization applies to many situations in life; Be Prepared. While you [...]
Innovations from World War II – Craig Suter
Innovations made during the Second World War are still with us today – and some of them may surprise you! A really entertaining and enlightening chat with Craig Suter, author of “The Inventor’s War; The Durable Ideas and Innovations of World War Two.” In order to find information for this compilation Craig had to read over 450 other books, period magazine stories and even research old newspaper advertisements. Some of these innovations came about due to an obvious need; pressurized cabins so that bombers could fly above enemy anti-aircraft fire, sunscreen for the troops in the withering Pacific campaign and [...]
“Sometime” Never Comes
Claire O'Brien Photo Credit: Tim Hynds, Sioux City Journal “We should have you on the show sometime.” This week that became my least favorite phrase. It has been four years since I stepped up to assure that the messages of American Warrior Radio would not go silent upon the untimely death of the program’s founder Dave Sitton. My initial decision was driven by passion for the message, not business sense. Many listeners and guests are surprised to learn that the radio station does not compensate me for broadcasting the show. Quite to the contrary, I pay them for [...]
Thank YOU! Please Keep Spreading the Word!
American Warrior Radio just surpassed 100,000 visitors for the year! When I revived the program following the founder's untimely death, with absolutely ZERO knowledge of doing a radio show, I was inspired by his mission; to educated and inform our population about those who protect us on both the home front and abroad. I have no idea that we would see this kind of progress and am very pleased we are reaching a national audience now. Please keep spreading the word! If you have an idea about a story that needs to be told, please send us a note to: [...]